10 Strongest DC Heroes America Chavez Could Beat

2022-05-14 23:23:04 By : Mr. Axing Fang

While some of DC's toughest heroes would defeat America Chavez, plenty of them wouldn't be able to take her down.

America Chavez is the most powerful hero of her generation. Starting her career with the Young Avengers after entering the 616 universe, she made a huge splash with the team as the resident powerhouse. Super strong and durable, super fast and, able to fly, she'd join the Ultimates and face down some of the greatest threats ever.

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With her multiversal transport powers coming in clutch, America Chavez consistently proves herself as a hero of the first order. DC's heroes are some of the best in the game and face down all manner of threats. While some of their toughest heroes would defeat America, plenty of them wouldn't be able to take her down.

Batman is known for his ability to threaten just about any foe he faces, hero or villain. He's smart enough to figure out how beat nearly every combatant and is well-equipped enough to make it a reality. On paper, Batman should be able to beat America Chavez, but that's just not going to happen. Even with prep time, America can catch him flat-footed.

In a fight with no prep time, America Chavez beats Batman easily. In one with prep time, America still beats Batman because she can take him transport him someplace where the odds are in her favor. If Batman came at her with the Hellbat armor, she can transport him and not the armor. America has too ways to win the fight.

Nightwing has made a career of beating enemies who were stronger than him. He's not as well-equipped as his mentor, but he's skilled, smart, and fast. This has made a lot of difference over the years, helping Nightwing against all kinds of foes. The problem Nightwing would find with America Chavez is that she's much more mobile than he is, which is usually how he defeats superior enemies.

Nightwing is used to his acrobatic abilities making a big difference in his battles. America Chavez can take that away because she's faster. Additionally, she can fly. With his mobility advantage gone, Nightwing falls pretty quickly to America.

Cyborg is DC's premiere tank. He can take a hellacious beating and dish out as much damage as he can take. Cyborg is also the best tech guy a team can have, as he can control any technology he interfaces with. He's made a huge difference with the Teen Titans and the Justice League, but wouldn't be enough to beat America Chavez.

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Cyborg has some powerful long range attacks, but those are his only advantages. America is faster, stronger, and more durable. She's mobile enough to avoid Cyborg's attacks and could get in close before he knew it. At that point, it's a slugfest, and she's certain to won.

Donna Troy has had a confusing history, but she's as tough as they come. Trained by the Amazons, she's a founding Teen Titan and has acted as Wonder Woman. She's strong, fast, and durable, and expertly wields a variety of weapons. Donna Troy would give America Chavez a great fight. Donna is stronger and more skilled, but America has her beat in speed and tenacity.

This is going to be a battle of attrition; both fighters has advantages, but America Chavez is tougher. She's going to take a rather heavy beating, but she can survive it. On top of that, America can survive in a vacuum, so she can either take Donna Troy into space or go to a universe where only she can survive, knocking Donna out.

Starfire is one of the toughest Teen Titans ever. She was already a warrior when she joined the team and only got better over the years. Her starblasts are her greatest weapon, but she's also strong and durable. All together, Starfire's powers and skills make her a difficult challenge, but America Chavez wouldn't find too hard to deal with.

America Chavez is stronger and faster, and that's going to make a difference. Starfire's starblasts are powerful, but America can keep ahead of her. They're both fliers, but America is faster. This would let America slip in and use her greater strength to win.

Hawkman is one of the most unlikable Justice Leaguers, but he makes up for it with his ferocity in battle. His flight harness is powered by Nth metal, which also gives him super strength and a healing factor. Reincarnating across time and space, Hawkman is an amazingly skilled fighter with millennia of experience. This has won him many battles, but America Chavez has this one in the bag.

Hawkman is used to having a mobility advantage, something he won't have against America Chavez. She's also stronger, faster, and can take more of a beating. Hawkman has more skill and experience, but America has him beat in so many ways, he simply can't win.

Booster Gold can be irredeemable, but his heart is often in the right place. Obsessed with fame, the former denizen of the 25th century created powerful armor and came back in time to make himself a star. Booster Gold is a good-natured buffoon at the best of times and has saved time and space more often than most would realize. He's pretty good, but America Chavez has his number.

Booster Gold has some powers that America Chavez can't match, like his energy blasts and force field, but he's not the most canny fighter. That's where America Chavez has him beat; she's a bruiser of the highest order. America would take Booster out before he got going, although he'd still get a good joke or two in.

Mister Miracle is the greatest escape artist of three worlds. Growing up on Apokolips, he learned to survive in the worst circumstances and is one of the most formidable members of the Justice League because of this. Mister Miracle would give America Chavez a fight to remember but in the end, she'd be able to win because she can take more damage than him.

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Mister Miracle has been in battles America Chavez could only imagine, but he's not someone who's into fighting. That's going to give America the chance she needs. She'll get the first few shots in and that's going to help her out. Miracle will do some damage, but America's faster and more durable.

Wonder Woman is the greatest warrior in comics. The Amazonian princess is the pride of Themyscira and has been battling the greatest enemies imaginable, both on her own and with the Justice League. Wonder Woman has America beat in a lot of ways; she's stronger, can take more damage, and is a better fighter. That just means that America will have to cheat.

America Chavez will figure out that Wonder Woman is a good person at heart pretty quickly. Diana holds back and America can take advantage of that. Taking the fight into the air, America can teleport them to a universe where she can survive, and Wonder Woman can't. It worked against Donna and it'll work against Donna's mentor.

Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern, having survived the most deadly conflicts in the Corps' history. He's an expert with his power ring and is entirely without fear. If Jordan has any drawbacks, it's his constructs. They work because of his willpower, but they're not what they could be. Jordan has a lot of advantages over America Chavez, but she can beat him in several ways.

To begin with, America Chavez can basically tank Hal Jordan's attacks until his ring runs out of charge. She's extremely durable, so that's doable. America could also transport him to a multiverse where Jordan can't recharge his ring, or one where the emotional spectrum doesn't exist. No matter what, America's got him.

David Harth has been reading comics for close to 30 years. He writes for several websites, makes killer pizza, goes to Disney World more than his budget allows, and has the cutest daughter in the world. He can prove it. Follow him on Twitter- https://www.twitter.com/harth_david.