Dying Light 2 and The Mystery of Kyle Crane

2022-07-30 03:42:15 By : Mr. Mao Joseph

Kyle Crane, the protagonist of the first Dying Light, is mentioned throughout Dying Light 2, but his disappearance is still shrouded in mystery.

Dying Light 2's story probably won't win any awards, but the great voice acting, facial animations, and frequent set pieces make it an ideal backdrop for the game's zombie-bashing, parkour-running gameplay. However, for fans of the first Dying Light, there's a pretty big elephant in the proverbial room, that being the whereabouts of the previous protagonist, Kyle Crane.

Throughout Dying Light 2, players will hear about this idyllic savior, Kyle Crane, but for those who haven't played the original title, Crane's actions may be a mystery. While Dying Light: The Following does seemingly suggest Crane's ending, a canonical final chapter is yet to be confirmed, leading to some fan speculation.

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The first Dying Light drops players into the walled city of Harran, the first location of the viral breakout. Arriving via airdrop, the player-character, Kyle Crane, is ambushed by bandits and infected Virals. Kyle is bitten and requires frequent doses of the antidote Antizin to remain fully human.

Crane begins the game as an undercover agent for the Global Relief Effort (GRE) who have tasked him with hunting down Kadir 'Rais' Suleiman, who has stolen a sensitive file from the organization. Over the course of the game, Kyle Crane works alongside Harran's survivors to restore power and water to the city, and help fellow residents who are locked inside their homes.

Toward the end of Dying Light, Crane discovers that the GRE were planning on weaponizing the virus, and chooses to keep Dr. Zere's vital research to ensure that the GRE can't cover up their actions. The final moments of Dying Light see Crane take down Rais and give the research to Dr. Camden, who can apparently use it to create a cure.

At the end of Dying Light, Kyle Crane stays in Harran to help any survivors left in the infested city. In the DLC Dying Light: The Following, Kyle Crane ventures outside of Harran's walls in an attempt to find more information about a group of survivors some believe to be immune. Once in the countryside, Crane finds a group of priests that worship the God of the Sun. In a cult-like ceremony, Crane is given a blue-colored serum that makes him temporarily invisible to the infected Biters.

Toward the end of Dying Light: The Following, the leader of the cult, known as the Mother, reveals that she is actually a sentient Volatile infected, behaving like a human during the day but a violent creature at night. She also reveals that the blue serum given to Crane earlier will make him become the same.

The player is then given two choices to end the DLC. The player can either detonate a warhead inside of Harran, bringing about the "coming of the Sun God," and killing the survivors inside, or drink the remaining blue serum. If the player detonates the warhead, the countdown reaches zero, and the screen fades to white. If the player drinks the serum, Crane kills the Mother and makes his way outside. As night starts to fall, Crane realizes he has become a sentient Volatile, and the screen fades to black as infected screams can be heard.

Choosing either of these endings leaves Kyle Crane in a pretty bad place, either dead from a nuclear blast or in a constant internal struggle between man and beast. In Dying Light 2, Kyle Crane is mentioned a few times by a number of NPCs.

Though the exact details of Crane's whereabouts are never revealed in Dying Light 2, some NPCs do let slip that Crane came to a tragic end. However, the city of Harran is also mentioned a handful of times, which seems to suggest that the city wasn't nuked by Crane, which in turn suggests that Crane became a sentient Volatile. Regardless of how he met his end, Kyle Crane is likely dead by the time of Dying Light 2, with an Easter egg even showing a memorial to the hero of the first game.

Dying Light 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A Switch version is in development

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From his earliest gaming memories playing Spyro 2 on the PlayStation, to being obsessed with the swing-out animations in Marvel's Spider-Man, Cameron has always been, and continues to be, in love with video games. What started as frenzied childhood discussions on Star Wars Battlefront 2 has transitioned into somewhat less frenzied breakdowns on...Star Wars Battlefront 2. It's fair to say that video games are an integral part of Cameron's life, and hopefully they'll continue to be. You can find more of Cameron's work on Twitter @CamSwan117