Here’s How To Avoid Getting Laid Off

2022-06-19 00:25:08 By : Ms. Silvia Yu

Leadership wants to field the best team. They’ll protect the “A-players” and jettison those who are ... [+] not top performers.

Layoffs, hiring freezes and rescinded offers are happening in the tech and crypto spaces. This will likely spread to other sectors too. Workers and job hunters are getting concerned. They see the proliferation of #OpentoWork banners on LinkedIn profiles—not seen at this level since the beginning of the pandemic—accompanied by pleas for people to help them find a new job. A number of spreadsheets with the names, emails and job titles of people who’ve been let go have been circulating online, so that recruiters and companies can reach out to them with job leads.

There is no one formula that companies use when they need to let go of staff to cut costs. Some organizations may subscribe to the “last one in, first one out” model. Management prefers to keep the long-time staff and pink slip the new employees who just started at the company.

Leadership wants to field the best team. They’ll protect the “A-players” and jettison those who are not top performers. People with highly specialized skills that are hard to replace may be overlooked for dismissal, whereas workers that possess talents that are ubiquitous and easily replaced are not safe.

When organizations enact large-scale downsizing, they often offer voluntary separation packages. Workers who are of retirement age may raise their hand to receive a financial package that incentivizes them to leave on their own accord—saving someone else’s job in the process.

A specific group or division may be consistently underperforming. In turbulent times, management may elect to let go of large teams, as they feel that the unit will continue to hemorrhage losses and sap much-needed resources, while there isn’t any hope of a financial turnaround anytime soon.

If you are in a revenue-generating division, the odds are high that you’ll be safer than the people working in a cost center. It’s a cold reality that employees and groups that bring in the money generally have more leverage than others who can’t point to adding dollars to the bottom line. In tough times, businesses need the folks who can ring the register. Those who may be terrific workers, but are not revenue-centric, may have a more challenging time holding onto their job.

Human resources may weigh in on decisions of who stays and who will be shown the door. They’ll comb through personnel records to review performance reviews, look for any recommendations and see if a person committed infractions, violated rules or has a history of causing problems.

Companies won't say this openly, but there are types of people that management would be only too happy to see leave. These are the folks with poor attitudes who always complain, have issues with their co-workers, consistently show up late, miss important meetings and suck up the time and energy of everyone around them by gossiping and talking badly about people behind their backs. They are the ones who say things like “this will never work” and “we’ve always done it this way; why do we need to change things?’

The chief financial officer and accounting team may crunch the numbers and determine that senior employees will be culled. Older workers, on average, tend to earn more than younger staff members because of years of experience. It's not fair, but their higher compensation places a target on their backs. It's convenient for the company to say they are just dissolving a unit that has a large number of senior people with sizable pay packages. The business can downsize fewer highly compensated professionals instead of a large number of mid to junior staff members.

You may not like this piece of advice, but go into the office. It may be a better work-life balance working from home; however, sometimes you need to sacrifice to save your job. Come into the office five days a week.

Make yourself known to all of the key players within the organization. Volunteer for assignments and tasks no one else wants. Ask your boss what you can do to help. Go above and beyond and exceed their expectations. Subtly let your supervisors and others know about your accomplishments.

Find projects that are mission-critical to the company and try to get on the team. Ingratiate yourself with everyone at all levels. You want to be the person who everyone likes and there would be blowback if a supervisor even raised a question about thinking of letting you go.

It’s natural, in times of uncertainty and stress, for workers to become agitated. They start openly complaining. The malcontents blame others, especially executive management for creating the problems and get mad that they will bear the brunt of leadership’s bad decisions. Avoid grumbling or finger-pointing. Always remain positive, upbeat and enthusiastic.

The advice may seem pessimistic and somewhat Machiavellian. Sadly, when the economy is in bad shape and there are concerns over runaway inflation, a likely recession or stagflation, workers need to be strategic and smart to save their jobs.

If you’re let go, don’t take it personally or view it as a reflection of your self-worth. Unfortunately, downsizing is a part of corporate life. Sometimes, you have no control over the situation. You may be in the right job, but at the wrong time. It has nothing to do with your skills and ability. The company feels the pressure to cut costs, and you just got caught up in the massive layoffs.