Pictured Front row: Valor the Courthouse Facility Dog
Rear row left to right: Justin Ashley, Roger Hochstetler, Suzi Fode, James Shank, Elisa Adolphsen and David Campbell
Pictured Front row: Valor the Courthouse Facility Dog
Rear row left to right: Justin Ashley, Roger Hochstetler, Suzi Fode, James Shank, Elisa Adolphsen and David Campbell
MOSES LAKE - A check to the tune of $12,942.28 was presented to a local organization that safeguards local children who are or are suspected of being abused and/or neglected in the region.
On Thursday, Aug. 18, representatives from the Kiwanis Club of Moses Lake and Rotary Club of Moses Lake jointly handed the check to Suzi Fode and Elisa Adolphsen of Kids Hope. The money was the net proceeds from a joint golf tournament put on by the two service clubs on June 24. T
hese dollars will go toward purchasing resiliency kits, which are created for children served and contain items specific to their individual preference and needs for coping with their unique situation.
Kids Hope is a governmental not-for-profit organization providing a variety of services to children and families who have been alleged victims of child abuse/neglect or child sexual abuse in Grant and Adams Counties.